The Extraordinary Power of Channelling

When we need information, most of us turn to the internet, or to books, or to other people with greater knowledge than our own. 

However, someone who can ‘channel’ has access to a source of information and wisdom that is outside of themselves and that comes directly to them via an energetic channel, such as the chakra system, aura and meridians. There are around 50 different methods of channelling – including receiving messages, visions and bodily experiences. While some people are natural born ‘channellers’, for most it is a skill that has to be developed and honed.

Impulse or sensation

What does it feel like to channel information? 

Remember the last time you felt inspired to do or say something? It wasn’t a conscious or logical process, but on some level you just knew. Channelling can feel like this. It is often experienced as some kind of new knowledge in our body and mind, an impulse or sensation that helps us to make sense of life or a particular situation. We only receive the knowledge that we are ready to receive but the more we can heal ourselves, the more receptive we will be. This means that more you develop your channelling abilities, the more powerful the energies you will be able to receive. 

At Leaves Institute we use channelling as a way of healing ourselves and others. We support our students to develop their ability to receive healing energy and to direct this in the most appropriate way so that the person we want to heal can receive it. 

Channelling and psychic development

Channelling is not the same as psychic development. While channelling is the ability to ‘bring down energy into our bodies’, psychic development is about learning how to use this energy in a positive way. To become an effective healer, you will need both skills and they both taught in detail as part of our Jikochiyu Healing Diploma. 

Developing self-trust

One of the reasons why we say that all our students must first heal themselves is that this enables them to develop their abilities as a channeller. It can feel strange, at first, to draw energy and knowledge into yourself from outside and it’s important to learn to trust it and have the confidence to be able to use it. During the diploma, students learn to trust whatever subtle information they are sensing. The ability to trust yourself is an important component of self-healing and without this trust, it will not be possible to heal others effectively.

Our founder, Yumiko Asakura, has been a channeller throughout her life. Whatever question is in her mind, she uses channelling to discover the answer. She explains that it is crucial that she is able to trust completely whatever information comes to her. Knowing that spiritual guidance is always available to her has been a great source of confidence and contentment throughout her life. 

Spiritual guides

Students often ask where the information they channel comes from. There can be many different sources, including past lives and civilisations. For some people spiritual guides can assist with accessing different sources of information but, once again, individuals are only able to access the knowledge they are ready to receive. Certain spirits may take on the form of an animal that is the symbolic representation of the power they represent. Tuning into their energy can help you to receive the same kind of energetic power into your body. 

Sensing beyond the everyday

By learning how to channel, we can tap into other spiritual dimensions that are beyond those of our everyday world and use this energy for our benefit and the benefit of those around us. At Leaves Institute we use this energy for healing, but learning to channel can also be very helpful for creative people or anyone who is seeking inspiration and new ideas. Even businesspeople and economists can benefit from an ability to sense beyond the everyday and to tap into insights and inspirations beyond the limitations of day-to-day reality. 

Learning to channel and go beyond the limitations of our 3D world starts with self-healing. If you are interested in finding out more, take a look at the Leaves Institute Jikochiyu Healing Diploma below.

Leaves Institute