Yumiko Asakura - A Healing Life

Ancestry and early life

Yumiko Asakura was born in Fukui, Japan. A far descendent of the Japanese Royal family, with Samurai traditions and a connection to the Onmyōji (masters of astronomy), she began to show signs of spiritual enlightenment from an early age. Yumiko was sent to live with her grandmother in a remote village in the mountains using natural resources. At the age of two, she took herself off into the wilderness to meditate. As a young girl, Yumiko eschewed toys in favour of candles and marbles to help her focus her meditation. She says “From a young age I performed the work of a shaman – communicating with spirits and angels and guiding lost souls. At times it could be frightening but I learned how to protect myself energetically.”


Yumiko spent most of her time as a very young child out in nature. When she returned to suburban life at around the age of four, she began to teach her peers what she had learned - how to observe nature and pray - as well as continuing her own search for the true essence of everything around her. She drew and wrote poems but showed little interest in the material world.

When Yumiko went to school, she finally became aware of how unlike the other children she was. Around the age of seven, she began to notice how other people were drawn to her and despite the fact that the family moved regularly due to her father’s job, Yumiko made more and more friends in each place she went. Her approach was always loving and inclusive.

Philosophy of life

The more she became acquainted with the modern world, the more Yumiko struggled until she realised that the only solution was to dedicate her life to helping other people. She started to formulate her philosophy of life at age six. When she was eight, she was hit by a motorcycle crossing the road and spent a month in hospital. During this time, she became aware of lots of spirits within the hospital who were asking for her help to move on. A teacher asked Yumiko what she wanted to do in life and she told them “I want to help people and make them happy.” This remains her abiding aim.


After school, Yumiko tried a series of jobs – painter, translator, marketing project manager. Wherever she went, however, she found that people wanted her to heal them, even though she did not publicise her healing abilities. She also found that she attracted spirits who wanted her to guide them. Yumiko said: “By my mid 20s, I realised I couldn’t hide any more. I am a shaman and I am here to help people and spirits. In 1995 at the age of 29, I began to teach.”

Leaves Institute

Since 1996, Yumiko had been teaching her healing approach to medical professionals, complementary therapists, healers and spiritual leaders – including doctors, nurses, eastern medicine practitioners, acupuncturists, Zen monks, Buddhist monks, professors in Indian philosophy, spiritual teachers, Shiatsu and massage therapists, Reiki masters, aromatherapists and reflexologists. 

In 2000, Yumiko founded her own teaching institution. It is called Leaves Institute, inspired by the idea of leaves from the tree of wisdom. Without publicising what she was doing, people found her and Yumiko was soon working 8am to 8pm every day. Each person she healed brought more people for healing.

Jikochiyu healing

“Jikochiyu” is the name Yumiko gives to her healing philosophy. It means ‘self-heal’ in Japanese and it reflects the fact that everything taught by Leaves Institute is about educating the client’s body, mind and soul to heal itself. The healing uses vibration and universal energy. The aim is to promote freedom and autonomy rather than reliance on a healer to achieve wellness. 

Yumiko believes that her approach to healing is particularly powerful because she is able to “see” people’s energy and understands how the healing works on an energetic level. Her maternal grandmother was one of the first female chiropractors to practice in Japan and Yumiko also uses this knowledge.

Global presence

In 2021, Leaves Institute, having run well subscribed courses in Japan for two years,  will start making Yumiko’s healing methods available to the English speaking public through it’s specially designed online learning platform, initially offering…

Short Courses:

  • Jikochiyu (Continuous Self Healing)

  • Fuku Meiso (Meditation for Health and Happiness)

  • Naisei (Transformational Reflection)


  • Jikochiyu (Continuous Self-healing) Diploma

  • Meditation Teaching Diploma

Studies and qualifications

Yumiko holds a range of professional qualifications from the Ritsumeikan University, the University of Minnesota, University of East London and the University College of Chichester.  She has also studied at The College of Psychic Studies, Morley College, The Arthur Findley College, Lewisham College, Sesame Institute and the Association of Integrative Sandplay Therapists. 
