Master of Self Creative Therapy
COURSE LENGTH 1 Years (42 weeks)
CERTIFICATION Master of Self Creative Therapy, School of Therapy
HOURS NEEDED Minimum of 5 hours per week
CERTIFICATION Master of Self Creative Therapy, School of Therapy
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Certificate of Self Creative Therapy Diploma
CERTIFIED AS Year 1 - Leaves Therapist
Year 2 - Leaves Master Therapist
Certified as a Leaves Therapist
The Master of Self Creative Therapy Course is for those of you who are looking to advance your career as a Therapist. Most of our students have either gained an interest in pursuing a career in Leaves Self Creative Therapy after being healed with one of the Leaves Sozo Therapy Methods, or they are already practicing or studying either a Complementary Therapy, Psychology or Psychotherapy. Above all, the majority of our students who have chosen to study Self Creative Therapy are looking to develop their own knowledge of Therapy to advance themselves within their own professional practice.
The Leaves Master of Self Creative Therapy course teaches Methods and Philosophies that differ greatly from the Therapy currently taught in the western world. Here at Leaves Institute we teach our students the Leaves Self Creative Therapy Methods curated in Japan by Yumiko Asakura. Her unique approach to Therapy can transform the way people look at their life. On this course, you will learn how to connect to your true self, once you have experienced this, you will deepen your appreciation of how these Methods will enable your clients to look at their problems and issues in a constructive and creative way.
Master of Self Creative Therapy
Certified as a Leaves Therapist
Sozo Therapist - [so-zor] 創造
Sozo Therapists provide the innovative and holistic psychotherapeutic approach to Self Creative Therapy. Sozo Therapy has a different approach to Psychodynamic or Psychotherapy, through Sozo Therapy the client connects to their true self, which in turn enables them to accept and use their problems and issues in a constructive and creative way. The Sozo approach offers clients the possibility to transform the way they look at their life, after receiving Sozo Therapy clients gain a new perspective on their condition, issue or problem and are able to realise why they are currently suffering and focus on the transformation themselves, which enables them to appreciate that they can move forward in their life.
Key skills of a Sozo Therapist
You will be able to help people to transform the way they currently look at their life.
You will enable people to learn to live creatively beyond their own limitations and difficulties.
You will be able to transform peoples perception of their issues and situations.
You will enable people to use current painful situations to move forward in their life.
You will enable people to see opportunity when they are suffering or are in moments of despair.
You will be able to enable people to gain a clearer ability to appreciate their own gifts.
You will be able to empower others to take chances and make changes to live a full and satisfying life.
Asobi Therapist - [a-so-bi] 遊び
Asobi means play in Japanese, as an Asobi Therapist, you will be able to help clients activate their innate instinct of spontaneous joy and enable them to connect to their unique purpose in life through play. Asobi Therapists are trained to help people of all ages to develop the ability to connect with the innocent experience of pure joy, by enabling your clients to appreciate the importance of being in this moment, you will give them to opportunity to discover a deeper sense of their authentic self. Asobi Therapy enables people to feel genuine and confident within themselves, which enables them to appreciate their abilities and be happy as they are. Asobi Therapy enables people to gain self confidence and become optimistic about their own life, this positive approach enables them to look at life through a new lens and be empathic to themselves and others often for the first time.
Key Skills of an Asobi Therapist
Can enable their clients to connect to activate their innate ability to experience joy.
Can enable others to utilise their own unique wisdom to be creative and find confidence within themselves.
They can enable their clients to gain a deeper appreciation of their true self.
They can relieve their clients from social expectations that deprive them from being congruent.
They can use Asobi Therapy to find solutions and solve problems to move forward in life.
They are able to use various forms of play to enable their clients to be present and experience true joy.
They can enable their clients to find a true sense of their authentic self through the spontaneity of play.
Geijutsu Therapist - [gay-jut-su] 芸術
As a Geijutsu Therapist, you will be able to offer a more analytical and directive approach to help your clients to move on. You will gain the insightful knowledge of symbolic representation of self and the issues to facilitate the clients' life journey and their healing process using Transpersonal Psychology and Alchemy. You will also be able to use integrative transpersonal psychoanalysis tools to offer a humanistic view to your client, enabling them to recover from all aspects of their problems that they may be suffering from within their lives, whether it be physical, emotional, mental, social or spiritual issues.
[Key skills of a Geijutsu Therapist needed to be added here by Yumiko]
Taigen Therapist - [Tai-gen] 体現
Many people are unaware that their past experiences have been repressed, these repressed emotions can cause recurrent physical pain, suffering and distress. As a Taigen Therapist you will have a wealth of understanding of inner experiences and you will be able to facilitate clients to access their repressed emotions and experiences to solve any issues that are affecting their mental health or causing them physical, emotional or psychological pain.
[Key skills of a Taigen Therapist needed to be added here by Yumiko]
Sagen Therapist - [Saa-gen] 砂顕
Sagen Therapists facilitate their clients to work through complex, blocked or hidden issues to bring forth a dynamic transformation in all aspects of mind and body which will have a profound effect on their clients lives, socially and within their personal life. Many issues are not obvious or understood, as a Sagen Therapist you will be able to help guide your clients to appreciate their problem through their own personal experience of Counselling and Sagen Therapy. Sagen Therapy is developed based on Yumiko Asakura's research into the subjective experience of chaos of life transition. It integrates Jungian Sand Play Therapy, Alchemy, Healing and Psychosynthesis Philosophy of human development.
[Key skills of a Sagen Therapist needed to be added here by Yumiko]
Learning Methods
Live Streamed Lectures
Group Tutorials
Supervision Sessions
One-to-One Tutorials
Group Discussions
Access to Industry Webinars
Academic Support
When you first start at Leaves Institute, we will introduce you to your Course Leader and your personal Tutor, who are there to provide academic guidance and support throughout your time with us. Each term, you will receive a one-to-one tutorial with your personal Tutor and, as a student practising healing, you will also receive a supervision session which will help you develop as a healing practitioner. This is time devoted to you and your studies here at Leaves Institute.
Assessment Guidelines
We conduct all our teaching, learning, assessment and grading to a Higher Education Level. This means our assessment guidelines and criteria maintain the highest standard of education and all courses have been accredited to ensure that you and all Leaves Institute students are taught to a professional level. You’ll be assessed on your learning and practice and awarded your Diploma once you have completed and passed all the course units.
Online Educational Platform
As a Leaves Institute student, you can access your course on your phone, tablet or desktop via our app. You can take part in conferences and watch our lectures broadcast live. You’ll be able to connect with fellow students through our weekly discussions and record your learning via your ePortfolio. You will also receive video feedback from your Tutor on all your assignments. Leaves Institute teaches through an online educational platform, using the most advanced digital communication technology to live stream our lectures, seminars and tutorials across continents in real time through our virtual learning environment. The technology we use allows you to connect with our network of industry specialists, Course Leaders, Lecturers and Tutors wherever you are in the world and gives you the flexibility to fit your learning in around your life.
Independent Self-Study & Practice
Students have timetabled lectures and sessions throughout the term. In addition to your timetabled sessions, the course also requires additional independent learning and self development through study and practice.This will typically involve working on individual and group projects, practice weeks, preparing coursework assignments and presentations. Your independent learning will be supported by a range of excellent facilities including online resources on the online virtual learning platform.
On successful completion of the Master of Self Creative Therpay, you will be awarded certification from Leaves Institute. When you successfully complete the course, you will be awarded the Master of Self Creative Therapy certification from the School of Therapy at Leaves Institute. This qualifies you to practise professionally as a Leaves Master Therapist / Leaves Master Practitioner.
Academic Standards
All our courses are delivered to the highest academic standards recognised at HE Level. As well as aligning to the core curriculum approved by UK Healers and the Confederation of Healing Organisations, we also align our courses and programme structure to esteemed UK Awarding Body ABC Awards and Certa Awards Quality License Scheme.
Governing Bodies
Here at Leaves Institute we deliver our learning to a Higher Education Level to make sure that we offer the highest standard of professional healing education. Leaves Institute’s educational conduct, academic delivery and quality of course content are governed by the Leaves Institute Board of Directors and meet H.E.A.L.S. (Healing Education Leaves Alliance Standards).
Single Master or Dual Master Study Option
Leaves Institute students who chose to study on our Master Courses (Professional Level) can opt to chose to do either one course, or study two courses at the same time, which we call the Dual Master Option. We build the timetable and study learning plans to enable students who wish to complete two Master courses at the same time, to run synchronously, in harmony with each other.
All students who have passed the required Diploma Course to apply for a Master Course should discuss your thoughts and aspirations of potentially studying two Master Courses at once with their Leaves Tutor or one of our specialist Leaves Advisors.
*Please Note - Studying two Master Courses at the same time will require a significant commitment of 2-3 hours of lectures and 4 hours of personal study time a week. It is important all students considering taking this path discuss this through before enrolling.
Application Process
Apply below by completing an Application Form.
If you are considering applying to study two Master Courses at once, this is called a Dual Master.
You will receive Application Form and information about the fees for your course.
Simply complete and submit your Application Form as per the instructions.
We will confirm a date for your interview shortly afterwards via email.
After the interview, there will be a short questionnaire for you to complete.
Successful applicants will receive details of their place within 5 working days of their interview.
To secure your place on the course, we will need payment for the first semester.
One week before the start of your course, you will receive your Log-in instructions.
You will also be given guidance on how to prepare for the start of your course at Leaves Institute.