Master of Healing Innovation - Year 2 

COURSE LENGTH       1 Year (42 weeks)

CERTIFICATION Master of Healing Innovation, Healing School, Leaves Institute    

HOURS NEEDED          Minimum of 5 hours per week 

CERTIFICATION            Master of Healing Innovation, School of Healing, Leaves Institute.  

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Certificate Master of Healing Innovation - Year 1, Leaves Institute.



Master of Healing Innovation - YEAR 2                           

Certified to Practice as a Leaves Master Healer

The Master of Healing Innovation Course is a two year course. The second year of the Master Course is paramount to development as a Professional Master Healer. During this important year, you will have the opportunity to refine your own skills and knowledge within your chosen specialism within the field of healing. During this year, you will go through a process of deepening your self awareness, enabling you to advance and develop your abilities to heal to the highest level. The projects and assignments within this year are all focused on refining your own practise of healing, widening and deepening your skills and knowledge learnt within your first year to a level that ensures you are fully prepared to start your own business, practise or company that enables you to help relieve pain and suffering with the advanced knowledge of Leaves Healing Methods and Practises.

Year 1

Course Units

Science and the Art of Healing

Evolution of Life

Professional Practitioner

Encouraging Independence

Refining Your Healing Practice

Core Units

Becoming a Master Practitioner

Self Evaluation

Final Major Project

Business Design

Career & Life Plan

Learning Methods

  • Live Lectures

  • Seminars

  • Live Conferences

  • Group Tutorials

  • Supervision Sessions

  • One-to-one Tutorials

  • Group Discussions

  • Industry Talks

Your Future as a Leaves Master Healer

As a certified Leaves Master Healer, you will be capable of healing most physical, mental, emotional problems and issues that you are presented with by your clients. You will be a highly skilled Master Healer with a broad depth of understanding of the profound and unique Leaves Healing Methodologies. As you develop through your learning, you will become a confident with your new found healing abilities and by the time you are ready to graduate, you will be prepared to start your own practice or company. Below are the different types of Healing Practitioners that you can become. Although you will be capable of using all the Healing Methods required for the below Healing professions. At Leaves Institute encourage our students to refine and specialise within their chosen field within healing within their second year. This enables our students to focus and deepen their own personal development as a Leaves Master Healer, ensuring they advance their capabilities in their own chosen specialism.

Future Career Prospects

Jikochiyu Practitioner - 

A Jikochiyu Practitioner will change the lives of many by teaching their clients body, mind and spirit how to heal itself. This life changing healing practice has many levels of complexity. The Manifestation Healing Method is an important part of being a Jikochiyu Practitioner, you will be able to significantly heal the health of the person you are treating, your clients will clearly be able to see physical changes and feel the difference the healing has made to their body. 

As a Jikochiyu Practitioner you will be able to guide your clients to heal themselves on many different aspects and levels. As a Jikochiyu Practitioner you are also help your clients body to heal continuously even after their session has finished. 

Key skills of a Jikochiyu Practitioner


  • They can directly work with the client's body to teach their clients how to use Jikochiyu to self heal.

  • Rebalance and realign the face and body to stop pain and problems.

  • Help the client to appreciate their ability to self heal with Jikochiyu Methods.

  • They help relieve symptoms and problems such as pain, depression, stress and illness.

  • Solve and alleviate problems between the mind, body, spirit and soul.

  • They can help their clients with the right flow of energy.

  • They can help create a meaningful environment for each person to live.

  • They help their client to become more self aware of their needs.

  • They can help people to be able to consider their needs holistically. 

  • Help the client use their healing potential to continue to heal unconsciously.

  • Help the client learn how to continue to look after themselves throughout their life.

  • They can help the client to find the meaning of their life.

Tamashii Practitioner - 


A Tamashii Practitioner is able to help elevate the suffering caused by mental health issues and depression, it helps people who are in despair. Tamashii Healing enables people to connect to their soul, allowing them to appreciate themselves. It's an unique and special healing practice that enables the healer to focus on their clients' deep rooted and often unconscious issues. Their soul has the opportunity to express itself and you and your clients to be kind to yourself and others around you creating a positive and comfortable way of living your life.

As a Tamashii Practitioner you will help yourself and others to manage through hard times or heal from various personal and social, physical and mental problems to find comfort and a meaningful way to look at life.

  • Work to heal deep rooted and often unconscious issues.

  • Able to help clients through difficult periods and hard times. 

  • Enable their clients to appreciate their spirituality and soul.

  • Enable their clients to appreciate themselves on a deeper level.

  • Is able to relieve the suffering caused by mental health problems.

  • Relieves the client from the despair caused by mood disorders.

  • Able to alleviate stress and anxiety.

  • Enables the client to become aware of their intention and reconnect with what they want in their lives.

  • Gives courage to those who find themselves in situations that makes them feel unhappy and uncomfortable.

  • Can help people become aware of their personal problems and behaviour.

  • Is able to alleviate their clients stress and pain caused by a past traumatic experience. 

  • Is able to help their client to choose how they want to live their lives.

  • They can facilitate their clients to have the courage to move forward, be brave and be able to make their own choices to change their life for the better.

Mamoru Practitioner - 


Many people often find themselves surrounded by unwanted negativity or get easily stressed about upsetting circumstances and feel stuck in certain situations. Some people are more sensitive than others and find themselves a victim of the negative vibrations around them. Mamoru Healing also enables you to heal those around you, you will notice a profound change in your life. Those around you who have previously been hurtful, offensive or upsetting towards you will change the way they react. As a result of Mamoru Healing you will find that you are much happier and distanced from those who had previously made you feel sad or upset. 

Mamoru Practitioners are able to help people to protect themselves and others through giving the unique and powerful protection provided by Mamoru Healing. 

Key skills of a Mamoru Practitioner

  • Able to help those who are particularly sensitive to those around them.

  • Able people to not be affected or upset by friends or family who are constantly negative or upset.

  • They enable their clients to be able to heal others around them.

  • Enable people to be less affected by those who constantly offload their worries on to them.  

  • They can alleviate any past or present upset caused by others.

  • They can protect people from negative vibrations from people.

  • They can alleviate people or situations that create a feeling of upset, awkwardness or anger. 

  • Able to protect their clients from the negative effects of being around people who are sad, suffering or in need of care.

  • Change the lives of people who are affected and upset easily by others.

Jiritsu Practitioner - 


Jiritsu Healing Methods foster independence for people, it uses advanced Jikochiyu Methods that encourage people to take more initiative in their process of self realisation. It also offers a deeper healing process enables people to have stronger and healthier self identity. Especially for those who low self esteem and who are suffering from mental health, depression and personality disorders. Some people have such sadness in their life and it’s often not to do with their health, the Jiritsu Method give people suffering from traumatic past the opportunity to live their lives differently going forward.

Jiritsu Healing Practitioners have the ability to heal others through self realisation, by helping their clients reconnect with their true self and ultimately with their life purpose.

Key skills of a Jiritsu Practitioner

  • Are able to help their clients with a deeper healing process which enables them to gain a stronger sense of self.

  • Able to gain a deeper insight into their self identity and self awareness.

  • Is able to help those suffering from depression and mental health problems.

  • Is able to alleviate the suffering caused by a past trauma.

  • Is able their client to move forward from their suffering.

  • Enables people to connect with their true purpose.

  • Enable people to know what they want in life.

  • Facilitate and guide their clients to move forward.

Academic Support

When you first start your Master of Healing Innovation Courses at Leaves Institute, we will introduce you to your personal Tutor, who will provide academic guidance and support throughout your time with us. Each term, you will receive a one-to-one tutorial with your personal Tutor and, as a student practising healing, you will also receive a supervision session which will help you develop as a healing practitioner. This is time devoted to you and your studies here at Leaves Institute. 

Assessment Guidelines

We conduct all our teaching, learning, assessment and grading to a Higher Education Level. This means our assessment guidelines and criteria maintain the highest standard of education and all courses have been accredited to ensure that you and all Leaves Institute students are taught to a professional level. You’ll be assessed on your learning and practice and awarded your Diploma once you have completed and passed all the course units. 

Online Educational Platform

As a Leaves Institute student, you can access your course on your phone, tablet or desktop via our app. You can take part in conferences and watch our lectures broadcast live. You’ll be able to connect with fellow students through our weekly discussions and record your learning via your ePortfolio. You will also receive video feedback from your Tutor on all your assignments. Leaves Institute teaches through an online educational platform, using the most advanced digital communication technology to live stream our lectures, seminars and tutorials across continents in real time through our virtual learning environment. The technology we use allows you to connect with our network of industry specialists, Course Leaders, Lecturers and Tutors wherever you are in the world and gives you the flexibility to fit your learning in around your life. 

Independent Self-Study & Practice

Students have timetabled lectures and sessions throughout the term. In addition to your timetabled sessions, the course also requires additional independent learning and self development through study and practice.This will typically involve working on individual and group projects, practice weeks, preparing coursework assignments and presentations. Your independent learning will be supported by a range of excellent facilities including online resources on the online virtual learning platform. 


On successful completion of the Master of Healing Innovation, you will be awarded certification from Leaves Institute. When you successfully complete the course, you will be awarded the Master of Healing Innovation certification from the School of Healing at Leaves Institute.

Academic Standards

All our courses are delivered to the highest academic standards recognised at HE Level. As well as aligning to the core curriculum approved by UK Healers and the Confederation of Healing Organisations, we also align our courses and programme structure to esteemed UK Awarding Body ABC Awards and Certa Awards Quality License Scheme.

Governing Bodies 

Here at Leaves Institute we deliver our learning to a Higher Education Level to make sure that we offer the highest standard of professional healing education. Leaves Institute’s educational conduct, academic delivery and quality of course content are governed by the Leaves Institute Board of Directors and meet H.E.A.L.S. (Healing Education Leaves Alliance Standards). 



On successful completion of Master of Healing Innovation YEAR 1, students will progress directly onto the second year of the course.

Application Process

Apply below by completing an Application Form.

If you are considering applying to study two Master Courses at once, this is called a Dual Master.

You will receive Application Form and information about the fees for your course.

Simply complete and submit your Application Form as per the instructions. 

We will confirm a date for your interview shortly afterwards via email.

After the interview, there will be a short questionnaire for you to complete.

Successful applicants will receive details of their place within 5 working days of their interview.

To secure your place on the course, we will need payment for the first semester.

One week before the start of your course, you will receive your Log-in instructions.

You will also be given guidance on how to prepare for the start of your course at Leaves Institute.