Master of Enabling Education - Year 1

COURSE LENGTH       1 Year (42 weeks)

CERTIFICATION Master of Enabling Education, School of Education, Leaves Institute    

HOURS NEEDED          Minimum of 5 hours per week 

CERTIFICATION            Master of Healing Education, School of Education, Leaves Institute.  

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Certificate of Enabling Education Diploma

CERTIFIED AS Year 1 - Leaves Educational Practitioner

Year 2 - Leaves Master Educational Practitioner

Academic Year 2021/22

Our next Master of Enabling Education Year 1 course starts in September 2021 and finishes in June 2022. The Academic year is made up of three terms which span across the year.  


The Master of Enabling Education Course is for those of you who are looking to advance your career as an Educator, Teacher or Trainer. During your lectures in Year 1, you will learn how to Master the Leaves educational philosophy skills to a point where you are confident and ready to teach or train within your own company or professional practise. Across the first year, you will be deepening your understanding of how Healing can be utilised within all companies, educational institutions, business and professional practices. Almost all companies could function better, achieve more, increase productivity and in turn increase profits and improve their contribution to their staff and society. Many companies suffer unnecessary, staff are often under utilised, not appreciated and in turn functionality of projects is slow, deliverables are rarely met and frustration amongst staff and management rises. The Master of Enabling Education teaches you how to use Leaves Educational Methodologies and Philosophies to turn around businesses, enable staff to perform better which in turn will change the way you run your company. By the end of year one, you will have learnt how to improve functionality of your business, educational institution or professional practise and move towards a more positive and successful future for yourself, your staff, your students or clients.

Only students who have successfully completed the Enabling Education Diploma Course are able to apply to this course. 




Jiyu Practitioner - [ji-you] 自由

As a Jiyu Practitioner you are a healer and a counsellor. You can facilitate the freedom of an individual by enabling them to gain an understanding of what they want to right now in the present. A Jiyu Practitioner enables people to gain complete responsibility for their life through the Jiyu Healing Methods taught on the Master of Enabling Education Course. Many people feel stuck in life, unable to move forwards, make changes, unhappy and not content with the way they live their lives. Many feel unconfident or guilty about the way they live their life. They feel they have been forced into making decisions due past experiences, to make someone else happy, to appease their parents or someone they may have been in a relationship with. As a Jiyu Practitioner, you are able to help people to become free, enabling people, often for the first time in their lives to make their own choices of their own free will, for themselves and their own happiness. A Jiyu Practitioner enables their clients to look to their future and appreciate what they really want. Jiyu Practioners use a combination of Leaves Jikochiyu Healing Methods and Jiyu Practices that are taught on the Master of Enabling Education Course, focus on the need of the individual, they can enable people to facilitate their own decisions and help them to make choices that will make a profound difference in their own lives and that of others.

Key skills of a Jiyu Practitioner

  • They have the combined skills of both a healer and a counsellor.

  • They can facilitate and guide their clients to understand what they want from life.

  • They are able to teach their clients how to take responsibility for themselves.

  • They enable their clients to understand the importance of the choices we make and how they impact our lives.

  • They are able to use Jikochiyu and Jiyu Healing to enable clients to start to gain a deeper appreciation of how they can heal themselves and change their life.

Educational Facilitator - 

As a Educational Facilitator you will be able to utilise the combination of the Jikochiyu Healing Methods and the Leaves Educational Philosophy to heal and empower people to make positive choices for themselves and others. You will be able to advise and consult others to find their own way forward, enabling them to discover who they really are and what they want to do in their lives. Whether it be for an individual, a professional practice or a company, you will be able to confidently nurture and guide people to advance and develop themselves and their potential. 

Key skills of an Educational Facilitator -

  • They can develop a special set of skills that enable people to find joy in their life and work.

  • They can facilitate huge changes and create an impact within companies and teams.

  • They enable people to work together in harmony and find balance within their life.

  • They are able to face and confront the challenges that life and work can throw at them with ease.

  • They find solutions to problems easier to overcome.

  • They enable other people to feel for-filled and happy within their lives and work.

  • They will be able to focus on achieving specific aims for themselves and others.

  • They will enable others to find joy in their work and enable projects to prosper.

Yume Practitioner - [yu-mei] 夢

As a Yume Practitioner you can help people to understand their own uniqueness. A Yume Practitioner enables their clients to look into themselves in a remarkable way, enabling them to become aware of their own unique talents, gifts and skills. A Yume Practitioner offers the opportunity for people to be able to understand themselves on a deeper level, often for the first time allowing people to have self worth, and realise their own potential, they can begin to see how their own abilities are unlike anyone else’s.

Key Skills of a Yume Practitioner

  • Make it easier for people to find their own true potential and gain a sense of self worth.

  • Enable their clients to appreciate themselves and their capabilities on a deeper level.

  • Enable their clients to see value in themselves and gain a clear perspective on what they can offer to others.

  • Make it easier for people to see and appreciate their own strengths, skills and qualities.

  • Are able to help people to make decisions on what they want to achieve in their life.

  • Enable people to realise their own potential and empower them to create the life they want for themselves. 

  • Are able to help people make changes in their lives, enabling them to be happy and live their life with joy and purpose.

Learning Methods

  • Live Streamed Lectures

  • Seminars

  • Group Tutorials

  • Supervision Sessions

  • One-to-One Tutorials

  • Group Discussions

  • Access to Industry Webinars  

Academic Year

Our next Master of Enabling Education Year 1 course starts in September 2021 and finishes in June 2022. The Academic year is made up of three terms which span across the year.  


Students who wish to apply to the Master of Enabling Education must successfully complete the Enabling Education Diploma Course first. The Diploma Course will fully prepare students wishing to develop their career as a teacher, trainer, Manager or Business Leader.

Academic Support

When you first start at Leaves Institute, we will introduce you to your personal Tutor, who will provide academic guidance and support throughout your time with us. Each term, you will receive a one-to-one tutorial with your personal Tutor and, as a student practising healing, you will also receive a supervision session which will help you develop as a healing practitioner. This is time devoted to you and your studies here at Leaves Institute. 

Assessment Guidelines

We conduct all our teaching, learning, assessment and grading to a Higher Education Level. This means our assessment guidelines and criteria maintain the highest standard of education and all courses have been accredited to ensure that you and all Leaves Institute students are taught to a professional level. You’ll be assessed on your learning and practice and awarded your Diploma once you have completed and passed all the course units. 

Online Educational Platform

As a Leaves Institute student, you can access your course on your phone, tablet or desktop via our app. You can take part in conferences and watch our lectures broadcast live. You’ll be able to connect with fellow students through our weekly discussions and record your learning via your ePortfolio. You will also receive video feedback from your Tutor on all your assignments. Leaves Institute teaches through an online educational platform, using the most advanced digital communication technology to live stream our lectures, seminars and tutorials across continents in real time through our virtual learning environment. The technology we use allows you to connect with our network of industry specialists, Course Leaders, Lecturers and Tutors wherever you are in the world and gives you the flexibility to fit your learning in around your life. 

Independent Self-Study & Practice

Students have timetabled lectures and sessions throughout the term. In addition to your timetabled sessions, the course also requires additional independent learning and self development through study and practice.This will typically involve working on individual and group projects, practice weeks, preparing coursework assignments and presentations. Your independent learning will be supported by a range of excellent facilities including online resources on the online virtual learning platform. 

Key Course Takeaways 

Once you have completed this course, you will be;

  • Able to bring the Leaves Educational Philosophy into your own life, business, practise or career.

  • You will be able to create positive change through education and enable your staff or students to develop their uniqueness and use their gifts to thrive.

  • You will enable your students and staff to live their life with purpose and find joy in what they do and as a result of that you will see your practise or company prosper and grow.

  • You will be able to create your own educational system for your business or practise to train, develop or support your staff.

  • Confident to support, tutor, advise and facilitate clients or students as an Educator, Teacher, Trainer or Facilitator.

Who should apply? 

  • Anyone interested in Education, who is looking to develop their skills as a teacher or trainer.

  • Anyone who is currently a teacher or trainer, who wants to enable their students to prosper through the leaves philosophy of education.

  • Anyone who whats to enable themselves and others to find joy in what they do.

  • Anyone who finds joy in teaching and enabling, encouraging and nurturing their students to grow.

  • Anyone who wants to develop or make changes in their practice, company or business.


On successful completion of the Master of Enabling Education, you will be awarded certification from Leaves Institute. When you successfully complete the course, you will be awarded the Master of Enabling Education certification from the School of Education at Leaves Institute.

Academic Standards

All our courses are delivered to the highest academic standards recognised at HE Level. As well as aligning to the core curriculum approved by UK Healers and the Confederation of Healing Organisations, we also align our courses and programme structure to esteemed UK Awarding Body ABC Awards and Certa Awards Quality License Scheme.

Governing Bodies 

Here at Leaves Institute we deliver our learning to a Higher Education Level to make sure that we offer the highest standard of professional healing education. Leaves Institute’s educational conduct, academic delivery and quality of course content are governed by the Leaves Institute Board of Directors and meet H.E.A.L.S. (Healing Education Leaves Alliance Standards). 

Single Master or Dual Master Study Option

Leaves Institute students who chose to study on our Master Courses (Professional Level) can opt to chose to do either one course, or study two courses at the same time, which we call the Dual Master Option. We build the timetable and study learning plans to enable students who wish to complete two Master courses at the same time, to run synchronously, in harmony with each other.

All students who have passed the required Diploma Course to apply for a Master Course should discuss your thoughts and aspirations of potentially studying two Master Courses at once with their Leaves Tutor or one of our specialist Leaves Advisors.

*Please Note - Studying two Master Courses at the same time will require a significant commitment of 2-3 hours of lectures and 4 hours of personal study time a week. It is important all students considering taking this path discuss this through before enrolling.

Application Process

  • Apply below by completing an Application Form.

  • If you are considering applying to study two Master Courses at once, this is called a Dual Master.

  • You will receive Application Form and information about the fees for your course.

  • Simply complete and submit your Application Form as per the instructions. 

  • We will confirm a date for your interview shortly afterwards via email.

  • After the interview, there will be a short questionnaire for you to complete.

  • Successful applicants will receive details of their place within 5 working days of their interview.

  • To secure your place on the course, we will need payment for the first semester.

  • One week before the start of your course, you will receive your Log-in instructions.

  • You will also be given guidance on how to prepare for the start of your course at Leaves Institute.


[All applicants must have completed the Enabling Education Diploma]